Generations v1.1.0

New Features

  • The game now has over 40 achievements to earn, four of which are hidden achievements.
    • The list of achievements is displayed alphabetically by title in the brand new backyard.
    • Earned achievements will display first and have a black background along with the date they were earned in an MMDDYY format.†
    • Unearned achievements are listed after with a white background.
    • A banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen when an achievement is unlocked.
    • Your count of earned achievements out of the total are displayed on the bottom left of the screen.
  • Adds an accessibility mode option to the System Menu that will have the game display numbers instead of the portraits for players who may be experiencing difficulty telling the portraits apart.
  • As an alternative to the crank, you can now long press the A button to switch to the bonus portrait (and back) if one is already there. If there isn't one, it will move the current portrait there as it always has.

Updates, Changes and Additions

  • Changed the background of the teenagers to make them easier to distinguish from the children.
  • Picked up some prints from the ART7 gift shop for the Fireplace Room.
  • Gave the little boy a haircut because Destination Playdate thought he was wearing a hat.
  • Removed the "Options" item from the main menu. Game options can now be found in the system menu when not in-game.
  • Replaced "Options" on the Main Menu with "Achievements".
  • Added gameplay tips to the Pause screen after watching @gogamego play it without reading the instructions.
  • Added a sound for when the B Button is pressed while navigating rooms.
  • When the cat is outside, he will peek through the window less frequently, and will also switch windows.
  • When the cat is not present, there is a chance that a mouse will visit.
  • You can now navigate through the main menu items with the crank. I mean, why not?
  • Added a Playdate to a shelf in the Game Over room.
  • Added a launch sound.
  • The cat stretches for just a little bit longer in the launch animation.
  • The Game Over room can now be dismissed with either the A button or the B button.
  • Cleaned up the background image a bit.
  • Got some grape juice stains out of the couch and dusted the end tables.
  • Removed the crank callout since it is no longer required to play.


  • Addressed frame rate drops during placement and match animations. They now run faster, and at a consistent 30fps.
  • Addressed a frame rate hitch that could occur when continuing a game.
  • Changed the patterns used on empty spots on the wall to avoid flashing when they animate.
  • Fixes a typo on the game over screen. "Combos" should have read "Chains".
  • Fixes an issue where the left-most center spot on the wall could inadvertently be open when continuing a game.
  • Fixes an issue where undoing a move that originated on the "bonus" table would undo it to the "deal" table.

† Apologies to our European friends and others who don't use this format. Unlike on your phone or computer, locale information is not available on the device.

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(1 edit)

Loving this game! Excited to go for the achievements. Thanks for the update!

Awesome! Let me know of any feedback you have, and drop a rating on the game when you get a chance!

Not sure what the difference is between combos and chains, but I just got 2 achievements for 100 and 200 lifetime chains despite having only 22 in my stats (I've got 226 combos).


Ugh, its a typo in the achievement text. It should have said "combos", which is when you match three or more to the next age group up.

Thanks for letting me know.

Ah cool, I've also noticed the 'five dollar cheque' achievement doesn't fit in the bubble with the date next to it.

In other news, the game is (sadly) much more straight forward when you switch to number mode. Maybe that's just how my brain works.

(1 edit)

ISO-8601!! (in the voice of Captain Kirk)

Otherwise, good stuff. And thanks for the in depth gameplay info on your main page!

(1 edit) (+1)

I only had enough space for a 2 digit year!  😆

It's not the number of digits that's the main problem, it's the wacky way they get ordered! If you're ever able to put an international toggle into the game, you could always make it more worthwhile by having it change the shape of a plug socket on the wall. You can still have 5 stars.

(1 edit) (+1)

lol, I like that idea. Thanks for the rating!